
KOMSOSPOL journal publishes original research and/or library analysis on Communication Studies which focuses on the study of:
Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Broadcasting, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Content analysis and framing, libraries and information, Marketing Communication, Organizational Communication, Political Communication , Cultural Studies, Ethics and Communication Philosophy, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Health Communication, Disaster Communication, New Media.


KOMSOSPOL journal publishes original research and/or library analysis on Communication Studies which focuses on the study of:
Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Broadcasting, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Content analysis and framing, libraries and information, Marketing Communication, Organizational Communication, Political Communication , Cultural Studies, Ethics and Communication Philosophy, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Health Communication, Disaster Communication, New Media.

2829-6427 (printed) | 2809-2074 (online)


Pergeseran Komunikasi Media Lama Menuju Media Baru

It doesn't feel like the shift in communication from old media to new media is moving fast. This can be seen from the increasing number of smartphone users. Smartphone users began to flood rural areas, including Tanah Abang Village, Lampung. Almost all residents of Tanah Abang Village use smart phones as a means of communication. Old media can be recognized by the use of print media (newspapers, magazines, tabloids) and electronic media (radio and television). The flow of technological developments, which include new media, is also marked by the old media undergoing transformation. Currently, social media is also a new media category such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and others. It is said that the media is new because the information is distributed through the social media. The purpose of this study was to determine the phenomenon of the shift of old media communication to new media in Tanah Abang Village, Lampung and the benefits of the shift of old media to new media. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study were 1) the residents of Tanah Abang Lampung Village mostly used new media in the form of social media. 2) the shift of old media communication to new media is felt to be of great use to increase knowledge that is not bound by time and space. The conclusion from the research on the Shift of Old Media Communication to New Media in Tanah Abang Village Lampung is 1) Tanah Abang Lampung Village residents use new media in the form of social media and the positive impact of shifting old media communication to new media is to increase knowledge that is without time and space boundaries.2) The transition process using new media which is considered expensive and difficult to use because of the needs of the times.

Analisis Semiotika Sampul Majalah Sahabat Edisi Agustus - Oktober 2021

Sahabat Magazine is a family magazine that was formed in 2016. Sahabat Magazine is a family magazine that is packaged in an Islamic way with various complete rubrics, ranging from; The Islamic World, Figures, Communities, Entrepreneurs, Children's Work, and many others. Sahabat Magazine is one of the print media that still exists in today's digital era. In addition, Sahabat magazine also uses image illustrations in each of the presented rubrics. The composition of the rubric is also included in the cover of the magazine which makes it interesting. The Islamic messages to be conveyed are also depicted from the symbols, text meanings, and images on the cover of Sahabat magazine. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method which is carried out by describing and analyzing the existing data. And this analysis uses Roland Barthes' Semiotics theory which discusses the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth in the rubric found on the cover of Sahabat magazine. The analysis of this research uses the cover of Sahabat magazine Agustus – Oktober 2021 edition. The researcher concludes that the cover of Sahabat magazine is composed of denotative, connotative, and mythical markers that are related to each other and contain da'wah messages that are packaged lightly in the Islamic rubric.

Implementasi Kebijakan Sistem Informasi Pegawai Daerah (Sipd) Berdasarkan Perpres Nomor 95 Tahun 2018

Studi Pada BKPSDM Kota Palembang

The purpose of this study is knowing how to implement the Regional Personnel Information System (SIPD) policy and knowing the elements that can support and hinder the implementation of the SIPD strategy at the Agency for Development of Personnel and Human Resources (BKPSDM) Palembang City. This exploration is directed by a subjective methodology. Exploration is directed at the Palembang City BKPSDM. Judging from the consequences of the review, it tends to be reasonable that the implementation of the SIPD Policy which was completed at the Palembang BKPSDM as a whole has been carried out very well. However, in carrying out the SIPD strategy there are several obstacles, including the proposed increase in ASN/representatives which seems to make it difficult for workers with an excessive number of stages, especially through OPD, BKPSDM, later at that time BKN. These stages may not have to be passed, considering that only by using the SIPD application all information on labor regulations can be obtained at OPD, BKPSDM and BKN without the need for the relevant representative to take care of it to the regions. Variables that affect the implementation of this SIPD strategy include correspondence factors, assets, behavior and regulatory design

Analisis Narasi Media Pada Film Asma Amr M Salama

Film is one form of mass communication that is popular in Indonesia. Film is the result of a creative process combined with today's technology. Film, which is part of the mass media, is a medium of communication. Asma Amr Movie. Salama is a film that depicts the existence of Egyptian women and their struggle against the stigma of discrimination. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. This study also uses a qualitative approach and constructivism paradigm as well as narrative analysis by Tzvetan Todorov. The conclusion is the narrative of the story can be seen. There is an element of feminism, so the researcher sees a conformity with the theory by Tzvetan Todorov.

Hubungan Antarpribadi dalam Film Pendek “Tak Lagi Sama”: Perspektif Sosiologi Komunikasi

In forming individuals, interpersonal relationships have an important role, through interpersonal relationships are expected to be able to encourage someone to have feelings, understanding, and support and help individuals to understand the expectations of other individuals. There are several theories to reduce this phenomenon, which specifically generalizes the concept of interpersonal relationships which have an important role in shaping individuals, through interpersonal relationships are expected to be able to encourage someone to have a feeling, understanding and support and help individuals to understand the expectations of others. Another individual In the film "No Longer the Same" starring Salshabilla Andriani and Yusuf Mahardika, there are several scenes depicting the interpersonal relationships between the characters in the film, this film was released on June 18, 2021 on Salshabilla Andriani's Youtube channel. The purpose of the study was to find out how the interpersonal relationships in the film "No Longer the Same". This type of research is descriptive qualitative, analyzing the interaction of interpersonal relationships in the short film "Tak Lagi Sama". So the theory that can be used in this research is interpersonal relationship. The results of this study are the interpersonal relationships that occur in the film are relationship development, relationship maintenance and relationship termination, there are also self-disclosure, process view and social exchange.