
KOMSOSPOL journal publishes original research and/or library analysis on Communication Studies which focuses on the study of:
Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Broadcasting, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Content analysis and framing, libraries and information, Marketing Communication, Organizational Communication, Political Communication , Cultural Studies, Ethics and Communication Philosophy, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Health Communication, Disaster Communication, New Media.


KOMSOSPOL journal publishes original research and/or library analysis on Communication Studies which focuses on the study of:
Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Broadcasting, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Content analysis and framing, libraries and information, Marketing Communication, Organizational Communication, Political Communication , Cultural Studies, Ethics and Communication Philosophy, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Health Communication, Disaster Communication, New Media.

2829-6427 (printed) | 2809-2074 (online)


Audit Komunikasi Strategi Digital Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi dalam Menguatkan Brand Image di Instagram

The fast-growing technology on social media has changed the behavior of the public in receiving information. Today's social media use in Indonesia is growing so rapidly every year. According to Melansir Data Reportal, by 2023, there are 167 million social media users out of 153 million over the age of 18, which is 79.5% of the total population. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of digital branding and positioning strategies carried out by the University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi with the approach of auditing communication using the method of SOSTAC. The results of this study show that the University has not yet had a field of human rights, so UMKO's identity is not maximum, branding, and postitoning are not well managed and the use of social media especially Instagram is not maximal even can be passively regulated.


Islam is a blessing for the universe. It is not surprising that in practice, conveying information about the spread of Islam throughout the earth is an interesting thing to discuss. Why not, through news written about the spread of Islam throughout the world, people will know about how Islam grows and develops in a country. The method in this research uses qualitative analysis. This research uses a qualitative method with Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis. Barthes explained that the key to meaning analysis is denotation, connotation and myth. The results of this research are that the message of da'wah can be seen from Muslim tourist broadcasts in several scenes of broadcasts that contain da'wah messages


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis representasi gap generasi dalam iklan IM3 "Nyatakan Silaturahim" dengan fokus pada dinamika interaksi antargenerasi dalam konteks keluarga serta implikasinya terhadap hubungan keluarga dan integrasi sosial di masyarakat. Penelitian ini dipilih karena fenomena gap generasi memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap dinamika sosial, komunikasi, dan hubungan keluarga. Metode analisis yang digunakan mengadopsi pendekatan "Meaning and Media", yang menggabungkan prinsip-prinsip semiotika, strukturalisme, serta konsep denotasi dan konotasi untuk menganalisis makna yang terkandung dalam media. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi terhadap iklan, metode dokumentasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Temuan utama menunjukkan bahwa iklan tersebut berhasil menyampaikan pesan bahwa interaksi antargenerasi merupakan aspek yang berharga dan patut dipertahankan dalam lingkup keluarga maupun masyarakat secara luas. Dinamika interaksi antargenerasi memiliki implikasi yang signifikan terhadap pembentukan hubungan keluarga yang lebih solid dan harmonis, serta integrasi sosial di masyarakat. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam memperkaya pemahaman tentang pentingnya interaksi antargenerasi dalam memperkuat hubungan keluarga dan menciptakan lingkungan sosial yang lebih inklusif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menegaskan signifikansi bahwa interaksi antargenerasi dapat menjadi sumber pembelajaran bersama, meningkatkan toleransi, memperkuat ikatan keluarga, dan menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang saling mendukung di antara generasi-generasi dalam masyarakat


In religious life, everyone is free to choose and carry out worship based on their own beliefs and true beliefs without any intimidation from certain groups. This is also what is reflected in the people of Pekon Ambarawa Pringsewu Lampung who apply various concepts of moderation in their daily lives. There are many religions that live in harmony there, such as Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism and Buddhism. Film is one of the propaganda media to convey messages in a contemporary way in society. Apart from being informative and entertaining, packaging da'wah messages through films is also an effective communication medium for the public. Likewise with the documentary film "Selaras" produced by the Nurul Huda Pringsewu Islamic Boarding School which raises the theme of religious moderation in society. The research method uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method with a constructivism paradigm which aims to find out how the implementation of effective communication is built in the documentary film "Selaras". Based on the research results above, the author concludes that the implementation of effective communication in religious moderation through the documentary film "Selaras" consists of various indicators of religious moderation, such as; National Commitment, Tolerance, Non-Violence, and Acceptance of Tradition. This indicator was conveyed because of effective communication conveyed through film media as a means of disseminating information.


In the last few decades, the film industry has experienced rapid progress and has played an important role in the field of communication or conveying messages. Where initially it was just a black and white image, it then developed with all kinds of effects that made the film look more real, making it more interesting for the audience to enjoy. In more detail, film is a communication medium in the form of moving images. One film that conveys the message of preaching is the film Merindu Cahaya De Amstel, directed by Hadrah Daeng Ratu, which is an adaptation of a novel by Arumi Ekowati which is based on a true story. This film takes the background of a non-Muslim woman who changed her name to Siti Khadijah after embracing Islam. In this study we used qualitative research. This approach aims to find and describe religious elements. The data source for this research is films and the data for this research are words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and dialogues that describe religious elements contained in the film Merindu Cahaya De Amstel. This research data collection technique uses library research. After data collection, data analysis is carried out by following the data analysis steps, namely classifying, describing and concluding. In this film there are several preaching messages, namely that a woman must cover her private parts and be friends with others who help each other in goodness, and remember that the commands from Allah SWT are the most important, especially when receiving messages of goodness that must be spread widely and become useful human beings.