Edukasi Lingua Sastra

Edukasi Lingua Sastra  (e-ISSN: 2621-0673 and p-ISSN: 1693-9263) is journal that published since 2002 (printed version) by University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This journal publishes original papers researching such as; results of critical studies, research results in education, literary language and literature and language education.  Edukasi Lingua Sastra  has regularly published two times a year in April and September. The procedure starts with the submission process, plagiarism check, review, revision, plagiar... Readmore

Edukasi Lingua Sastra  (e-ISSN: 2621-0673 and p-ISSN: 1693-9263) is journal that published since 2002 (printed version) by University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This journal publishes original papers researching such as; results of critical studies, research results in education, literary language and literature and language education.  Edukasi Lingua Sastra  has regularly published two times a year in April and September. The procedure starts with the submission process, plagiarism check, review, revision, plagiarism check, and finally publish.


1693-9263 (printed) | 2621-0673 (online)


Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dengan Menggunakan Thariqah al-Qiro’ah: A Systemic Review

Learning methods have an important position in achieving the set learning goals. Experts have found various methods that can be applied in language learning, one of which is thariqah al-qiro'ah, this paper will reveal how thariqah al-qiro'ah in theoretical reviews as well as practical reviews. Research is carried out in the form of library research, which is looking for various information related to thariqah al-qiro'ah in various sources then analyzing it to be interpreted as research findings, analysis is carried out by comparing the opinions and results of existing research. The research findings are that thariqah al-qiro'ah is an Arabic learning method used to realize learners who have the ability to read. In its application, thariqah al-qiro'ah begins with the provision of new mufradat to students, discusses together the content of the reading text, asks questions to students related to the text and ends with the provision of exercises related to reading. But this method only focuses on reading skills and does not train students' ability to listen, speak and write.

Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa dalam Kerangka Lesson Study Melalui Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah

Lesson Study is considered effective to be used to improve the quality of learning. Lesson Study implementation can be assisted by the application of problem-based learning model (PBL). Through PBL students' critical thinking skills can be improved. The purpose of the research in this article is to increase students' critical thinking skills within the framework of Lesson Study through a problem-based learning model. The method used in this research is a qualitative-quantitative method with the type of action research. Qualitative data were obtained from observation sheets, while quantitative data were obtained from student learning outcomes. The success of research based on qualitative data if 80% of the implementation of learning is in accordance with the learning scenario, while the success of quantitative data is obtained if at least 65% of students get good grades. Based on the results of the research, 80% of learning activities are in accordance with the learning scenario, while students who score in a good category are 71.42%, which means more than 65%. From the learning process, several findings were obtained. The findings are: (1) the didactic challenge is a mandatory thing that must be presented in the implementation of learning; (2) didactic challenges must be contextual; (3) problem-based learning improves students' critical thinking skills.

The Use of Clitics In Novel “Murder on The Orient Express” By Agatha Christee

Clitics are words or parts of words that are structurally depend on neighboring words (it is the host) and cannot stand alone. The objectives of the research are 1) to investigate the types of clitics in the Novel “Murder on the Orient Express” by Agatha Crhistee. 2) to investigate the dominant types of clitics in the novel “Murder on the Orient Express” by Agatha Crhistee. This research used qualitative descriptive method and the instrument used was the researchers. The data of this research is taken from the novel “Murder on the Orient Express” by Agatha Christee. The data analysis technique used is Miles and Huberman technique, the steps are: data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion and verification. From the research results obtained that the researchers found 699 clitics. There are 22 proclitics and 677 enclitics. Proclitic only has two kinds (o') and (d'). While enclitic has eight kinds, namely ('m), ('re), ('ll), ('ve), ('d), ('s), (n't), and genetive ('s) and the percentage shows that enclitic is 96.85% greater than the proclitic is 3.15%. So it can be concluded that enclitic is the most dominant used in novel Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christee.

Internalisasi Pendidikan Karakter Bagi Siswa Melalui Literasi Sastra (“Kumpulan Cerpen Parmin”) Karya Jujur Prananto

The problem which is discussed in this research is the internalization of character education for students through literary literacy (Parmin’s Short story compilation) by Jujur Prananto. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to internalize the character education for students through literary literacy literacy (Parmin’s Short story compilation) by Jujur Prananto. Descriptive qualitative is used as a method in this research. The result showed that Parmin’s short story compilation can be used as one of discourse to internalize excellent character values for students.

Variasi Konsonan Bahasa Jawa pada Masyarakat Kelas Bawah di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

This study aims to determine the variation of Javanese consonants in the lower-class community in RT 34-35 Giwangan Village, Umbulharjo District, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This type of research is a case study, data obtained utilizing interviews and literature study. The study results indicate that there are variations in consonants that occur in the lower society. The consonant variations are a form of neutral in the word pairs /b/ and /p/, which occurs in the word "landep", which means sharp; in the word pairs /d/ and /t/ occurs in the word "reged" which in Indonesian means dirty, and the word pairs /g/ and /k/ occurs in the word "ambleg" which means to fall. The next variation is the insertion and addition of consonants /n/, /ŋ/, and /m/in the word "montor", which means motorbikes. The next variation is the insertion of semi-vowels /w/ and /y/, which occurs in the word "kebuwang", which means wasted, and in the word "lagèYane", which has the meaning of style. The next variation is the variation of the consonants /z/, /dz/ and /v/, /f/ that occurs in the word "jikir", which means remembrance and the word TV, which is pronounced by with the word "tipi". Next is a shortening variation that occurs in the sentence "no money", which is pronounced by "ra de det" or "ora nduwe duwit". The last consonant variation is the omission of sounds that occur in the word "government", which means government.

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