Edukasi Lingua Sastra

Edukasi Lingua Sastra  (e-ISSN: 2621-0673 and p-ISSN: 1693-9263) is journal that published since 2002 (printed version) by University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This journal publishes original papers researching such as; results of critical studies, research results in education, literary language and literature and language education.  Edukasi Lingua Sastra  has regularly published two times a year in April and September. The procedure starts with the submission process, plagiarism check, review, revision, plagiar... Readmore

Current Issue

Edukasi Lingua Sastra  (e-ISSN: 2621-0673 and p-ISSN: 1693-9263) is journal that published since 2002 (printed version) by University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This journal publishes original papers researching such as; results of critical studies, research results in education, literary language and literature and language education.  Edukasi Lingua Sastra  has regularly published two times a year in April and September. The procedure starts with the submission process, plagiarism check, review, revision, plagiarism check, and finally publish.


1693-9263 (printed) | 2621-0673 (online)


Internalisasi Nilai Religius dalam Novel Cinta di Ujung Sajadah Karya Asma Nadia dan Pembelajarannya di Sekolah Menengah Atas

The problem in this study is the internalization of religious values ​​in Asma Nadia's novel Cinta di Ujung Sajadah and its learning in high school. The purpose of this study is to describe the religious values ​​contained in the novel Cinta di Ujung Sajadah by Asma Nadia and to describe the learning plan for the internalization of religious values ​​in high schools. The method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The results of the study show that there are four religious values ​​in Asma Nadia's novel Cinta di Ujung Sajadah, namely the relationship between man and God, man and himself, man and society, and man and nature. The novel Cinta di Ujung Sajadah by Asma Nadia is suitable as learning material in high schools because it meets the criteria for aspects of language, psychology, and cultural background. The teacher can internalize the religious values ​​contained in the novel to the students according to the learning steps which consist of opening, learning core, and closing.

Gaya Bahasa Pada Novel “Bara Dalam Jelaga” Karya Napermana

This study examines the language style in the novel “Bara in Jelaga” by Napermana based on Tarigan theory which divides four types of language styles, namely comparative language style, conflict language style, connection language style, and repetition language style. This study uses qualitative descriptive research method. The data source for this study is the novel “Bara in Jelaga” by Napermana. Data collection techniques use reading and note techniques. According to the results and discussion, a language style with a total of 42 quotations was found which shows language style, consisting of: 1) comparative language style, 22 quotations, including 10 parable language styles, 3 quotations in periphrasis language style, 8 personification language styles. Quotations, and pleonasm language style contains 1 quotation. 2) the conflicting language style consists of 8 quotations, including the climax language style containing 2 quotations, the hyperbole language style containing 5 quotations, and the sarcasm language style containing 1 quotation. 3) the linking language style consists of 3 quotations, including the erotic language style containing 1 quotation, the eponymous language style containing 1 quotation, and the ellipsis language style containing 1 quotation. 4) the repetition language style consists of 9 quotations, including the episcopal language style containing 3 quotations, the anaphoric language style containing 5 quotations, and the epistrophic language style containing 1 quotation.The conclusion of this research is that the novel “Bara in Jelaga” predominantly uses a comparative language style.

Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca melalui Kartu Bergambar dengan Model PBL Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Dasar

One of the fundamental skills that students must have is reading. By having reading skills, students can participate in and comprehend learning effectively. However, in reality, many students, especially in grade 1, cannot read yet. This study aims to improve the reading ability of grade 1 students at SD Muhammadiyah Plus Malangjiwan through picture card media using the PBL model. The subjects of this study were 19 grade 1 students at SD Muhammadiyah Plus Malangjiwan in the academic year 2023/2024. Data collection techniques included interviews, tests, observations, and documentation. Data analysis techniques included qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The action achievement indicator was set at 70%. The results of the study showed that using the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) model with picture card media could improve students' reading skills. Reading ability increased with an average score of 59.2 in cycle I (low category) and an average of 79.3 (high category) in cycle II. Therefore, the use of picture cards with the PBL model is recommended for teachers in conducting reading instruction.

Penggunaan Campur Kode dalam Kolom Komentar Akun Instagram @Kumparancom : Kajian Sosiolingustik

Abstract: Instagram is a social media tool that gives users the freedom to convey everything. Code mixing is a linguistic symptom that occurs as a result of combining two or more language elements. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of code mixing in the comments column of the Instagram account @kumparancom. This research method uses qualitative methods by describing the data that has been collected regarding the phenomena that occur and then describing them in order to provide an overview of the research conducted. The source of the data in this study is in the form of posting comments on the Instagram account @kumparancom. The technique used in analyzing the data uses the Listen and note technique. The data analysis techniques used include: 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, and 3) data verification or drawing conclusions. The results of this study found as many as 22 in the form of the use of mixed code totaling 6 data, mixed outgoing code totaling 12 data, and mixed code mixing totaling 4 data. It can be concluded that the overall data shows the use of code mixing in the form of words and phrases. Keywords: Code Mixing, Instagram, Kumparancom, Sosiolinguistic Abstrak: Instagram merupakan salah satu perangkat media sosial yang memberikan kebebasan bagi para pengguna dalam menyampaikan segala sesuatu. Campur kode merupakan gelaja kebahasaan yang terjadi akibat menggabungkan dua unsur bahasa atau lebih. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan campur kode dalam kolom komentar akun Instagram @kumparancom. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan memaparkan data-data yang telah dikumpulkan terkait fenomena yang terjadi kemudian mendeskripsikanya agar memberikan gambaran mengenai penelitian yang dilakukan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berupa postingan komentar pada akun Instagram @kumparancom. Teknik yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data menggunakan teknik Simak dan catat. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan meliputi : 1) reduksi data, 2) penyajian data, dan 3) verifikasi data atau penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan sebanyak 22 data berupa bentuk penggunaan campur kode kedalam berjumlah 6 data, campur kode keluar berjumlah 12 data, dan campur kode campuran berjumlah 4 data. Dapat disimpulkan secara keseluruhan data menunjukan adanya penggunaan campur kode berbentuk kata dan frasa. Kata Kunci: Campur Kode, Instagram, Kumparancom, Sosiolinguistik

Tindak Tutur Ekspresif dalam Novel Tanah Para Bandit Karya Tere Liye dan Implikasinya pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA

Masalah dalam penelitian ini ialah tindak tutur ekspresif tokoh dalam novel Tanah Para Bandit karya Tere Liye dan implikasinya pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan fungsi komunikasi tindak tutur ekspresif dalam novel Tanah Para Bandit, beserta kelangsungan tindak tutur tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berupa novel Tanah Para Bandit karya Tere Liye. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa tindak tutur ekspresif yang dituturkan oleh tokoh pada novel Tanah Para Bandit karya Tere Liye. Teknik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik baca catat, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis heuristik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tindak tutur ekspresif secara langsung dalam novel Tanah Para Bandit karya Tere Liye yang terdiri atas fungsi komunikasi memuji, menyalahkan, meminta maaf, dan mengucapkan terima kasih. Tindak tutur ekspresif secara tidak langsung yang ditemukan adalah fungsi komunikasi memuji. Fungsi komunikasi yang mendominasi adalah memuji sebanyak 68 data, sedangkan fungsi komunikasi yang paling sedikit ditemukan adalah menyalahkan sebanyak 6 data. Tindak tutur secara langsung paling banyak ditemukan yaitu sebanyak 92 data, tindak tutur tidak langsung paling sedikit ditemukan yaitu sebanyak 4 data. Tindak tutur ekspresif dengan fungsi komunikasi mengucapkan selamat tidak ditemukan dalam novel. Penelitian ini diimplikasikan sebagai contoh dialog negosiasi dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA kelas X materi teks negosiasi.

Perubahan Fonem pada Penderita Gangguan Berbahasa Bibir Sumbing

Cleft lip and palate sufferers often experience language disorders that can affect aspects of their communication. An in-depth understanding of language disorders in this age group is important to provide appropriate interventions and improve their quality of life. This study identified and analyzed language disorders in cleft lip and palate sufferers at the age of 23 years. This study uses a qualitative method. Data was collected by searching for data sources on YouTube, listening intensively and transcribing into written form, marking and noting things related to phoneme changes (dyslalia). The data analysis technique in this study is to classify data according to language disorders in cleft lip and palate sufferers, then analyzed in relation to language disorders with phoneme changes (dyslalia). The results of the research found changes, omissions and unclear pronunciation of phonemes (dyslalia) in several words spoken by cleft lip and palate sufferers.

Semantics Issue: Emotive Meaning of Netizens’ Comments of Gastrointestinal Disease Survivors on Instagram @Kakagastro

This study aims to describe the emotive meaning of netizens’ comments about survivors of gastrointestinal diseases on Instagram @kakagastro. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. The data in this study is in the form of screenshots in the form of comments written by followers of the @kakagastro account. The documentation method is used to obtain the data in the account. The data that has been obtained is then entered into the corpus of data that the researcher has previously designed. The results of the study show that three emotive meanings appear in the comments on the @kakagastro account. These emotive meanings, namely emotive meaning as an embodiment of worry, emotive meaning as an embodiment of social feelings, and emotive meaning as an embodiment of pleasure or happiness. The emotive meaning as a manifestation of worry comes from netizens who at that time were feeling anxious and afraid of the disease they were suffering from. This fear is manifested in the form of complaints and questions. The emotive meaning as a manifestation of social feeling comes from netizens' desire to consult about the illness they are suffering from. The consultation raises interaction and concern from the @kakagastro account with its followers. The emotive meaning of the embodiment of happiness is a meaning that arises because of the success of people with gastrointestinal diseases in consuming foods that should be prohibited. This success indicates that the healing process of gastrointestinal diseases is almost complete. Keywords: Instagram, emotive meaning, netizens

Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Cerpen Gram Terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Cerita Pendek Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Liwa Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024

Abstract: This study is a quantitative research using experimental methods. The purpose of this study is to describe the effect of the method of using gram short stories on the short story writing skills of students in Grade XI of SMA Negeri 1 Liwa in the 2023/2024 academic year. Data collection techniques in this study using written test techniques. This study is a quasi-experimental study involving an experimental group that conducted learning by utilizing the gram short story method, while in the control group, the learning was carried out by conventional methods. The population in this study were all students of Class XI totaling 269 students, the sample was taken 11.89% of the population, resulting in a total sample of 32 students. The overall results of the study after writing using short stories gram students of Grade XI SMA Negeri 1 Liwa academic year 2023/2024 are in the very good category with an average value of 94.06, while the results of writing short stories students using ordinary short story lessons are in the category of 68.43, so it can be said that this study has an effect because the experimental results are included in the good category. Abstrak: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh metode penggunaan cerpen gram terhadap keterampilan menulis cerita pendek siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Liwa Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik tes tertulis. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kuasi eksperimen yang melibatkan suatu kelompok eksperimen yang melakukan pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan metode cerpen gram, sedangkan dalam kelompok kontrol, pembelajaranya dilakukan dengan metode konvensional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh siswa kelas XI yang berjumlah 269 siswa, sampel penelitian diambil 11.89% dari populasi, sehingga diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 32 siswa. Hasil penelitian keseluruhan setelah menulis menggunakan cerpen gram siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Liwa Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024 berada pada kategori sangat baik dengan nilai rata- rata 94,06, sedangkan hasil menulis cerpen siswa menggunakan pelajaran cerpen biasa berada pada kategori 68, 43 maka bisa dikatan penelitian ini berpengaruh karena hasil eksperimennya termasuk dalam kategori baik.

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