Edukasi Lingua Sastra

Edukasi Lingua Sastra  (e-ISSN: 2621-0673 and p-ISSN: 1693-9263) is journal that published since 2002 (printed version) by University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This journal publishes original papers researching such as; results of critical studies, research results in education, literary language and literature and language education.  Edukasi Lingua Sastra  has regularly published two times a year in April and September. The procedure starts with the submission process, plagiarism check, review, revision, plagiar... Readmore

Edukasi Lingua Sastra  (e-ISSN: 2621-0673 and p-ISSN: 1693-9263) is journal that published since 2002 (printed version) by University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This journal publishes original papers researching such as; results of critical studies, research results in education, literary language and literature and language education.  Edukasi Lingua Sastra  has regularly published two times a year in April and September. The procedure starts with the submission process, plagiarism check, review, revision, plagiarism check, and finally publish.


1693-9263 (printed) | 2621-0673 (online)


The Representation of Presidential Candidates of Election 2019 in Online Media in Lampung

A Reflection of Image Construction in Local Media for Presidential Election 2024

Towards the presidential election of Republic of Indonesia in 2019, many discourses related to the presidential election 2019 appeared in various mass media. The media included printed, electronic, and online news which gave information, editorial, advertisement, and other forms related to the presidential election. These various contents about the presidential election were interesting to be explored through research because they could uncover realities which were represented differently, for different purposes, and with distinctive ideology in each mass medium. These phenomena could be found not only in national online mass media, but also in online mass media in Lampung. Observing how the prospective president and vice president were represented in local online mass media was an interesting thing. That was because by using data from local online mass media, we could identify how constellation movement and political dynamics in national level were represented in local level with unique reader segments. One of provinces which were interesting to be explored through research was Lampung. As a province located in the southern area of Sumatera, Lampung was geographically strategic as the connector of Java and Sumatera. Lampung played a crucial role due to its position as the gate of Sumatera Island in logistic matters and citizen mobilization to Java and Sumatera. Based on data from Alexa (Alexa, 2019)  there were five online mass media in Lampung which occupied the highest positions:,,,, and This research aimed at describing the representation of prospective president and vice president during the presidential election 2019 in news articles published by local news sites in Lampung. It would use a discourse analysis with Corpus- Assisted Critical Discourse Analysis (CACDA). Based on data analysis, it was found that Dua Jurai, Jejamo, Saibumi, and Radar Lampung had a tendency to represent both prospective presidents and vice presidents neutrally. Meanwhile, Lampung Post had a tendency to represent the first prospective president and vice president: Jokowi-Maruf Amin in positive ways and the second prospective president and vice president: Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno in negative ways. This appeared from word-use frequency in news about both prospective presidents and vice presidents published by the mass media.


The problem discussed in this study is the pattern of speech transfer on the YouTube Podcast Sule Channel and its implications for learning Indonesian in high school. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. The research data source is a YouTube video on the Sule Channel Podcast program with a total duration of 70 minutes 55 seconds. The results of the study indicate that there is a pattern of speakers' speech switching in the YouTube Sule Channel Podcast which is carried out by obtaining, stealing, seizing, replacing, creating, and continuing. The most pattern of speech transfer is the pattern of transfer of speech by means of obtaining, while the pattern of transfer of the least is by way of replacing. The overall research results are 425 data. The context of the manner and tone used by speakers and speech partners in conveying the contents of the utterance is in a serious context, while the communication channel is carried out face-to-face. Meanwhile, the norm used in speech events is mutual respect. The results of this study can be implied in the form of learning scenarios and details of lesson plans for learning Indonesian language debate material for class X SMA.   Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah pola alih tutur percakapan pada Podcast YouTube Sule Channel dan implikasinya terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian berupa video YouTube dalam acara Podcast Sule Channel dengan jumlah durasi 70 menit 55 detik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pola alih tutur narasumber dalam Podcast YouTube Sule Channel yang dilakukan dengan cara memperoleh, mencuri, merebut, mengganti, menciptakan, dan melanjutkan. Pola alih tutur terbanyak ialah pola alih tutur dengan cara memperoleh, sedangkan pola alih tutur tersedikit ialah dengan cara mengganti. Hasil penelitian keseluruhan sebanyak 425 data. Konteks cara dan nada yang digunakan penutur dan mitra tutur dalam penyampaikan isi ujaran ialah dengan konteks serius, sedangkan saluran komunikasinya dilakukan dengan tatap muka langsung. Sementara itu, norma yang digunakan dalam peristiwa tutur ialah saling menghargai Hasil penelitian ini dapat diimplikasikan dalam bentuk skenario pembelajaran dan rincian RPP untuk pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia materi debat kelas X SMA.

Grammatical Competence of A 3;6-Year-Old Bo

A Case Study

Kompetensi gramatikal anak umur 3,6 tahun: Studi kasus. Pemerolehan tata bahasa anak tidak selalu mulus tanpa kesalahan. Sangat sering anak-anak menghasilkan ucapan yang tidak ditemukan dalam ucapan orang dewasa dan dianggap sebagai kesalahan. Kesalahan ini sering tidak dapat diperbaiki, yaitu, anak-anak terus mengulangi kesalahan yang sama meskipun koreksi oleh orang dewasa berulang kali diberikan. Penelitian tentang kompetensi gramatikal anak selama ini difokuskan pada jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan anak. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kompetensi gramatikal seorang anak laki-laki berusia 3;6 tahun dengan berfokus pada jenis kalimat yang dia sudah dapat produksi dan mendeskripsikan seperti apa kalimat tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa empat jenis  kalimat terjadi sepanjang ucapan yang diproduksi anak dan sebagian besar berstruktur pernyataan dengan mengubah pola intonasi.



Indonesia is country rich traditional customs, one of them makkobar tradition  Batak Angkola community in Tabagsel. Makkobar tradition is often carried out at traditional wedding ceremonies. The purpose research is analyze language Makkobar as character education values  traditional marriage ceremony Batak Angkola community. This research uses qualitative methods and descriptively. The analysis is   three: 1).Linguistic analysis of makkobar tradition inthe martahi godang session as value character education, namely 29 opening words of makkobar by 7 source emphasize the value of character education respecting and Out of the 32 words mangalusi by 7sources, they emphasized the value of democratic character education.2).Linguistic analysis of makkobar tradition inthe mangalehen mangan session as values ​​of character education, namely: 23poda words by 6sources emphasized the value of friendly character education.3). Linguistic analysis of makkobar tradition inthe pasahat boru sessionas the values character education, namely introduction to  adaboru line, thereare 25words of poda by 6 sources emphasize value of socialcare character education. And inthe introduction to alaklahi line, thereare 32 poda words by 6 sources who emphasize value of friendly character education. and mangalusi represented by bou contained 5 poda words, namely religious, honesty, tolerance, love for homeland and respect.

Analisis Sikap Keagamaan Tokoh Utama dalam Novel "Rentang Kisah" Karya Gita Savitri Devi

Religious attitudes became essential to the main character because it was an indication of a servant's obedience to his Lord. The study is intended to describe (1) forms of religious attitude of the lead character in the novel Rentang Kisah by Gita Savitri Devi and (2) factors that influenced the religious attitude of the lead character in the novel Rentang Kisah by Gita Savitri Devi. The approach used in this study is religious psychology.  The research data source is Gita Savitri Devi's Rentang Kisah novel. Research data consists of a storyline of words, sentences, and paragraphs that are relevant to the focus of the study. Data collection is done using the listen and take notes. Data analysis is made by identifying data, classifying data, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Research shows that (1) forms of religious attitude lead character in Gita Savitri Devi's Rentang Kisah novel include belief in the traditional, belief in religious consciousness, and  inaction. (2) factors that affect religious attitudes of internal and external factors. The conclusion of the religious attitude of the lead character in the novel Rentang Kisah by Gita Savitri Devi’s is that religious attitude are shaped by the consciousness of the Gita character influenced by family, friendship, and environment.

Kohesi Pada Lirik Lagu Album Gajah Karya Tulus sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas

The problem discussed in this study is the cohesion contained in the lyrics of the song entitled Gajah album by Tulus. The lyrics of the song will be used as alternative teaching materials in high school. The purpose of this study is to describe the cohesion contained in the lyrics of the album's songs and determine whether or not the album is worthy of being used as an alternative teaching material in high school. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study found 59 cohesion data on grammatical and lexical aspects which include references, substitutions, ellipsis, conjunctions, repetitions and synonyms. From the aspect of teaching materials, the album's song lyrics have met the criteria so that they are worthy of being used as alternative teaching materials for students in high school.


 Literature and politics come from the results of interactions between humans with one another. Politics and humans have a relationship with each other. The aims of this study are (1) representation of political conflict (2) the causes of political conflict and (3) the impact of political conflict in the novel. The object used is the novel Lantern Batukaru by Putu Setia. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, explaining the facts that occur in the novel. The data collection technique is a note-taking technique by reading the entire contents of the novel, then taking notes on important things that can support the research. Data analysis is done by interpreting the data in accordance with the theory. The results of this study indicate that (1) there was a political conflict that occurred during the New Order era which was dominated by party power and suppression due to ideological differences between parties (2) the factors causing political conflict were the dissemination of information that was not known to be true so that it harmed and caused victims. soul (3) the impact of political conflict in the presence of murder, crackdown and sexual harassment committed on minors.

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