Komsospol https://jurnal.umko.ac.id/index.php/komsospol <p id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large XcVN5d tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Terjemahan"><span lang="en">KOMSOSPOL journal publishes original research and/or library analysis on Communication Studies which focuses on the study of: <br>Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Broadcasting, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Content analysis and framing, libraries and information, Marketing Communication, Organizational Communication, Political Communication , Cultural Studies, Ethics and Communication Philosophy, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Health Communication, Disaster Communication, New Media.</span></p> Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi en-US Komsospol 2829-6427 PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL TIKTOK TERHADAP POLA KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF MAHASISWA ILMU KOMUNIKASI UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH KOTABUMI ANGKATAN 2022 https://jurnal.umko.ac.id/index.php/komsospol/article/view/1103 <p><em>The purpose of this research is to see the influence of using social media TikTok on Communication Science students at Muhammadiyah University Kotabumi class of 2022 on communication habits in communicating with their peers. This research method uses quantitative research methods whose main analysis is simple linear regression analysis. This research uses non-probability sampling techniques and purposive sampling design. A questionnaire designed based on key indicators from the two research variables was distributed to 73 active communication science students at Muhammadiyah University, Kotabumi. The results of exploratory data analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 26 show that the social media variable Tiktok (X) has a significant effect on the communication patterns (Y) of Muhammadiyah University Kotabum students. Meanwhile, Tiktok social media has a significant influence on the communication patterns of Communication Science students at Muhammadiyah University, Kotabumi</em></p> Wahab Nur Kadri Ahmad Yoga Dian Andika Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 2 1 1 11 10.47637/komsospol.v2i1.1103 ANALISIS PESAN MORAL KARAKTER BUYA HAMKA PADA FILM BUYA HAMKA VOLUME 1 https://jurnal.umko.ac.id/index.php/komsospol/article/view/1104 <p><em>"Buya Hamka Volume 1" is a biographical film that explores the life of Buya Hamka, an influential scholar and writer from Indonesia. This abstract presents an in-depth analysis of the moral message reflected in Buya Hamka's life journey in the film. The aim of the research is to understand the aspects of morality in the character Buya Hamka in the film Buya Hamka volume 1. Including spirituality, role modeling, social involvement and moral conflicts faced by the main character in the film. This research uses a qualitative method with a narrative paradigm approach. In the aspect of spirituality, the film shows Buya Hamka's spiritual journey, depicting his search for the meaning of life and religious values. Buya Hamka's example and ethics are reflected in every action and attitude, highlighting that his life decisions are consistent with the moral values he adheres to. Buya Hamka's social involvement in education, social welfare and political struggle is interpreted as a moral message about social responsibility and concern for society. Moral conflict becomes a dramatic moment in his life journey, where Buya Hamka is tested by the ethical values he believes in. His life decisions reflect his moral integrity and shape his character. Overall, this film not only provides a biographical picture of Buya Hamka, but also presents an in-depth reflection on moral and ethical values that can inspire viewers in living their daily lives.</em></p> Nofia Natasari Endi Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 2 1 12 24 10.47637/komsospol.v2i1.1104 STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PERSUASIF MAHASISWA ILMU KOMUNIKASI UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH KOTABUMI DALAM MEMEMPROMOSIKAN PROGRAM STUDI MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL https://jurnal.umko.ac.id/index.php/komsospol/article/view/1107 <p><em>Communication is a crucial part of social life within a community. In this digital era, communication and interaction between individuals can take place through various means, one of which is social media. In many human activities, effective communication is essential to ensure that messages reach the recipients successfully. Persuasive communication is particularly important for influencing recipients in specific contexts, such as promoting the communication science program at UMKO. This research adopts a qualitative approach with interview data collection techniques. The purpose of persuasive communication by UMKO communication science students in promotions is to attract the interest of prospective students to the communication science program itself. Promotion efforts are carried out through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Persuasive communication on social media proves to be quite effective, given the widespread use of these platforms for obtaining desired information. Through persuasive communication in promotional activities, it aims to influence prospective students pursuing higher education at the university level to choose the communication science program.</em></p> Tedi Setiawan Marini Hagi Julio Salas Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 2 1 25 38 10.47637/komsospol.v2i1.1107 STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF PUBLIC RELATIONS DALAM BRANDING TERHADAP PELAYANAN PRIMA DI KANTOR KECAMATAN KOTABUMI LAMPUNG UTARA https://jurnal.umko.ac.id/index.php/komsospol/article/view/1108 <p><em>This article explores effective public relations communication strategies in branding excellent service at the North Lampung Kotabumi District Office, using a qualitative approach. This research aims to understand how effective communication carried out by public relations can influence public perceptions of the quality of service in the office. Involving in-depth interviews, observation and documentation this research highlights the importance of positive communicative interactions to strengthen the image of excellent service and brand. The research results show that implementing targeted communication strategies can increase public satisfaction, create a positive image, and build loyalty towards public services. Using qualitative methods, this research provides an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of communication at the Kotabumi District Office, as well as providing a basis for recommending improvements to more effective communication strategies. This research can provide guidance for local governments in improving excellent service branding at the local level.</em></p> Rima Sasfira Della Monica Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 2 1 39 51 10.47637/komsospol.v2i1.1108 FRAMING PEMBERITAAN PRABOWO DALAM MEMBENTUK CITRA POSITIF PADA MEDIA TV ONE https://jurnal.umko.ac.id/index.php/komsospol/article/view/1109 <p><em>Political reporting in the mass media has an important role in shaping people’s views of political leaders and public figures. Self-image is very important in people’s perceptions of their leaders. One news channel that has a big influence is TV One. How TV One frames the news about Prabowo’s candidacy can have a significant impact on the public’s image and perception of him. This research is a type of analytical research using a qualitative approach. The data used in this research comes from books or articles about news framing, as well as news from TV One which depicts Prabowo in a positive way. The data in this research was obtained from TV One. The data collection method applied is by searching for news on the TV One news portal, which will then be analyzed. This research aims to analyze how Prabowo Subianto’s news is framed in forming his positive image through mass media, especially TV ONE. Framing in this context refers to highlighting and presenting news with a specific purpose. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide an in-depth understanding of how TV ONE, as a mass media, uses framing in its reporting to form a positive image of Prabowo Subianto</em></p> Suci Ria Ardinata Marini Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 2 1 52 63 10.47637/komsospol.v2i1.1109