Edukasi Lingua Sastra

Edukasi Lingua Sastra (ELSA) diterbitkan sejak 2002 oleh Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni bekerja sama dengan LP3M STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi-Lampung, Redaksi menerima tulisan hasil telaah kritis, hasil penelitijan bidang pendidikan, bahasa sastra dan pendidikan bahasa dan sastra. Redaksi berhak menyunting setiap naskah yang masuk tanpa mengubah subtansi tulisan. Tulisan yang tidak dimuat dapat diminta kembali.


Edukasi Lingua Sastra (ELSA) diterbitkan sejak 2002 oleh Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni bekerja sama dengan LP3M STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi-Lampung, Redaksi menerima tulisan hasil telaah kritis, hasil penelitijan bidang pendidikan, bahasa sastra dan pendidikan bahasa dan sastra. Redaksi berhak menyunting setiap naskah yang masuk tanpa mengubah subtansi tulisan. Tulisan yang tidak dimuat dapat diminta kembali.

1693-9263 (printed) | 2621-0673 (online)


Code Mixing Employed by the English Lecturers in EFL Classroom

The purpose of this research is to investigate the forms and factors influencing code mixing produced by lecturers. The data of this research is lecturers’ utterances during the subject of speaking and writing learning process in English education study program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This research used descriptive qualitative method by sociolinguistic approach. The data of this research were recorded, analyzed, and interpreted descriptively. The research result showed that (1) There are four forms of code mixing found such as word, phrase, clause, and repetition word; (2) There are three factors influencing code mixing occurences such as identification of roles, variance identification, and limitation of language utterance. Furthermore, this article is expected to contribute the knowledge related code mixing studies for further research.

Penerapan Model Student-Centered Learning di Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan

Teaching model is important componen in education system. It helps education process in implementing the aim of education effectively an effeciently. So, every education must also be creative in selecting and using education model. Based on the past and todays experiences, quality of education in Indonesia showed that the quality of teaching and learning process done by teachers and students was still low. Learning paradigm still focused on a teacher only (teacher centered learning) that caused learning process unattractive and monotonous. There were some factors that made difficult to change teacher paradigm in teaching and learning activity, namely teacher’s low commitment and skill in implementing active teaching-learning process. Therefore, teachers training institution (LPTK) should prepare the students to have skills in implementing active teaching and learning. One of some efforts that could be done to improve students’ skill, as prospective teachers, in implementing an active learning was that by implementing SCL (Student Centered Learning). It covered modelling a lecturer as a model in implementing active learning in the class and it integrates active learning in small group discussion, role-play and simulation, case study, discovery learning, self-directed learning, cooperative learning, colloborative learning, contextual learning, project based learning, problem based learning and inquiry.

Students’ Self-Esteem of the First Year English Education Study Program in STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

Self-Esteem (nilai diri) merupakan salah satu aspek dalam diri siswa yang berada pada ranah afektif (psikologi). Self-esteem merupakan aspek yang penting untuk diukur atau diketahui karena merupakan suatu persepsi tentang bagaimana seseorang memberikan penilaian terhadap dirinya sendiri. Dengan mengetahui bagaimana nilai yang diberikan siswa kepada diri mereka sendiri, guru akan mampu lebih selektif dalam menerapkan strategi pembelajaran agar mampu mencapai hasil yang maksimal dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan bagaimana self-esteem (nilai diri) mahasiswa tahun pertama Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di STKIP Muhamamadiyah Kotabumi terhadap 50 orang mahasiswa sebagai sampel yang diambil secara acak menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan menggunakan angket yang disusun dengan skala Likert untuk selanjutnya dianalisis dan dikategorisasikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 28% mahasiswa memiliki self-esteem yang tinggi, 66% mahasiswa dengan kategori sedang, dan 6% siswa memiliki self-esteem yang rendah. Oleh karenanya, disarankan agar dosen yang mengajar pada kelas itu membantu agar mahasiswa tersebut tetap dapat mempertahankan self-esteem (nilai diri) yang positif yang sudah dimiliki serta mampu membantu mahasiswa dengan self-esteem (nilai diri) yang rendah untuk membangunnya menjadi positif atau tinggi melalui penerapan strategi yang relevan.

Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dalam Kurikulum 2013 berbasis Teks yang Berorientasi pada Pendekatan Saintifik

Learning in the educational system can not be separated from the development of science and technology. The development of education notes that the era of the XXI Century there was a great shift on learning. Fundamental changes to access to information, computing, automation, and communication impact on the learning model of the XXI Century that directs learners into the focus of learning. Learners are conditioned actively so that the learning center is centered on the student centered. In the curriculum 2013 Indonesian language learning in text-based schools or more focused on the text. Text-based learning involves a process by which teachers help students produce text and gradually reduce aid so that students are able to produce text independently. Through these texts besides being taught linguistics also integrated character education. Especially through scientific or scientific approach, the formation of characters will be easily realized. In a scientific approach, students are asked to observe, question, try, associate, and communicate / summarize the core of the material related to learning Indonesian.

Students’ Syntax Error In Writing Ability

Writing is one of the language skills that must be mastered by students. By writing students can pour their ideas, opinions, and thoughts in writing. However, there are still some students who make mistakes in writing activities, especially writing English text. errors that are often done by students in writing English text is a misuse of syntax that is divided into errors in phrases, clauses, and sentences.

Kemiskinan dalam Novel Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak Karya Ahmad Tohari

Literature is the most optimal meda to express idea of a writer. The ideas could be on the form of feedback, critic, satire, or the reaction. The literature is the mirror of society life, so that there are some life point of views included on the novel "Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak" by Ahmad Tohari. Ahmad Tohari is very great in expressing poverty reality occurs in 1970 in this novel. The description of poverty in this novel are described on the poverty of society life. In this novel, society were prefer eating cassava than rice. They did not also have good/proper house. In the novel, the actor Mbok Rolem has only one clothes. What Ahmad Tohari described on the novel is also experienced by Indonesian on 1970 until now.

Engaging Nursery Rhymes as Literary Works for Teaching English in EFL Students

This study aimed to review five articles in engaging nursery rhymes toward teaching literary works in EFL students. By doing library research, the researcher found some problems and the solutions in engaging the nursery rhymes for EFL students. Young learner or children mostly became the subject of nursery rhymes study. Later, Najat and Bradley (2014) concluded that nursery rhymes can be applied for adult learners.

Analisis Wacana Cerpen “Tinggal Matanya Berkedip-kedip” Karya Ahmad Tinjauan Aspek Sosial Budaya serta Penanda Kohesi Gramatikal dan Leksikal

Ahmad Tohari’s short story entitled “Tinggal Matanya Berkedip-kedip” seen from social aspect depicts that authority and power of a leader supported by the power of “people live in poverty”. Without civilian’s support, a leader’s power is priceless. Cohesion in grammatical aspect such as referent, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction also appeared in the short story. The function of grammatical aspect is mainly to make the story more interesting. Cohesion in lexical aspect in the form of repetition and synonym used in the short story functions to strengthen the author’s mind which delivered.

Wacana Berita Bertajuk Korupsi dalam Situs Indonesiana dan Implikasi Pembelajaran Analisis Wacana

The research discussed about text, discourse practice, and sociocultural practie of coruption discourse in Indonesiana site, and its implication to discourse analysis learning in University. The method used in this research was qualitative method with critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. Based on the result of the research and discussion, text components in every discourse reveals the critical facts in society. Meanwhile, discourse practice denotes external component which affect text production process so the discourse become more comprehensive. Then, sociocultural practice or social knowledge which becomes the framework of writer could emphasize the discourse result. The result of the research could be used as an example step to discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough.

Investigating Drama in Teaching Practice

Drama is widely used in English class inasmuch as drama is considered as a way to learn English effectively. A lot of researcher conducted studies on drama either aimed to find out the benefits obtained through drama or aimed to find out the difficulties that might be found by the learners in drama. This article reviews five articles in relation with drama. The researcher in those studies investigated drama from different perspective. The result found in this study is expected to be consideration in implementing drama in teaching practice.

Sikap Masyarakat Lampung terhadap Bahasa Nenek Moyang

This paper focuses on the attitude of the native language speakers of Lampung. This study describes the attitude of the language of the people of Lampung to the language of his ancestors. The results of the study found that all respondents were not embarrassed to use their local language in their own areas, but 15% of respondents were embarrassed to use local language outside Lampung. Based on the integrative function, there is a tendency of people in Lampung to have a positive attitude towards their language. Meanwhile, with reference to the instrumental function, there is a tendency that they have a negative attitude towards language and a positive attitude towards Bahasa Indonesia.

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