Edukasi Lingua Sastra

Edukasi Lingua Sastra  (e-ISSN: 2621-0673 and p-ISSN: 1693-9263) is journal that published since 2002 (printed version) by University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This journal publishes original papers researching such as; results of critical studies, research results in education, literary language and literature and language education.  Edukasi Lingua Sastra  has regularly published two times a year in April and September. The procedure starts with the submission process, plagiarism check, review, revision, plagiar... Readmore

Edukasi Lingua Sastra  (e-ISSN: 2621-0673 and p-ISSN: 1693-9263) is journal that published since 2002 (printed version) by University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This journal publishes original papers researching such as; results of critical studies, research results in education, literary language and literature and language education.  Edukasi Lingua Sastra  has regularly published two times a year in April and September. The procedure starts with the submission process, plagiarism check, review, revision, plagiarism check, and finally publish.


1693-9263 (printed) | 2621-0673 (online)


Implementasi Penugasan Dosen di Sekolah (PDS) dalam Mata Kuliah Strategi, Metode, dan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Lesson Study

After undergoing stage 1 PDS program, namely the implementation of lecturers to become "teachers" in schools, the next stage is the implementation of PDS within the university environment. The implementation of the PDS program phase 2 is realized in the Strategy, Method and Learning Media courses. The implementation of the PDS program in tertiary institutions is based on the principle of lesson study. Based on the results of the application, there are a number of lesson learns obtained. Lesson learns include: 1) giving material with appropriate learning media becomes a special attraction for students, 2) the formation of learning groups allows students to develop collaborative and communicative abilities, 3) assignments in the form of videos in the application of collaborative learning methods make students learn directly so a more maximal understanding process is obtained.


Translation is a compulsory subject which must be mastered by the sixth semester students of STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi, by mastering this course, they automatically also must master the mastery of English vocabulary and grammar. One of the ways done by lecturer in improving the ability to translate Indonesian into English and vice versa by the application of group work technique, in this case before learning begins the lecturer needs to prepare a syllabus, semester learning plan, teaching materials, and also the media used by lecturer in the learning process of translation courses. The first step taken by the lecturer in this case is Plan, while in the main activity through group work technique, the lecturer asks students to make groups of 3 to 4 students to translate the text given by the lecturer, when they are finished, the lecturer checks the results of the group by submitting the answers or also discussed together, other ways of group work is in pairs. The lecturer also gives appreciation to each group that can answer correctly; at this stage the lecturer also observes the learning process of students. The last stage is reflection, at this stage the lecturer presents the findings during the learning process, this aims to improve the learning process in the next stage is better and increased.

Artikel Pengelolaan Media Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar

Management of learning media is a part of efforts to improve the quality of education. As for the indicators that must be considered in the management of learning media especially: planning instructional media, organizing media, learning media management, evaluating media of the school, it is expected that the preparation of media programs can run effectively with the learning programs that have been made so that it can contribute positively to learning. The learning media management process must go hand in hand with school programs, it is necessary to manage a management of learning media in elementary school that is responsible for administering all activities related to learning media management, understanding of media management is important for the officer in planning media programs, classification of media, the grouping of media based on the condition of each school or based on certain subjects so that the media can be used optimally in the classroom or in out door class. Supervision should be carried out programmatically by the school principal and personnel at the relevant agencies of the district and district level offices are expected to be input of increasing the development of learning media management n the next year.


Abstract : Enhancing Learning Interest of Eighth Graders at SMP N 1 Abung Semuli By The Application of Cooperative Learning Method and Media.Direktorat pembelajaran always makes effort to improve education quality in Indonesia through revitalization program of Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (LPTK). One of the programs is Penugasan Dosen di Sekolah (PDS). PDS is a program which aimed to build partnership between LPTK and lab schools as well as the other partner schools. The main goal is to improve the quality of teacher candidate and professional teacher. Relating to that goal, LPTK lecturer has a duty to teach directly at partner school and collaborate with partner teacher in the attempt to prepare and conduct an interesting, effective and technological based learning in order it can engage students’ learning interest. Therefore, cooperative learning method and media  in this PDS program are applied in the attempt to increase students’ learning interest in English class. 


(Critical Discourse Analysis of Corruption through Media Literacy)

Mass media is part of public space which cannot be seen as a mere passive hegemony. The discourse constructed by Tempo magazine reporters through Indonesiana is not completely neutral or naturally reporting news about corruption, and violations of the law. However, it has been influenced by the ideas or viewpoints of text writers (journalists) in responding to the events constructed in their reporting. This paper aims to show how the Fairclough text analysis tools work in dissecting dubious media texts.   Media masa merupakan bagian dari ruang publik yang tidak dapat dilihat sebagai alat hegemoni yang bersifat pasif semata. Wacana yang dikonstruksikan oleh wartawan majalah Tempo melalui Indonesiana tidak sepenuhnya netral atau alami melaporkan berita tentang korupsi, dan pelangggaran-pelanggaran hukum. Akan tetapi, telah dipengaruh oleh ide-ide atau sudut pandang penulis teks (wartawan) dalam menyingkapi peristiwa yang dikonstruksikan di dalam pemberitaannya. Tulisan ini memiliki tujuan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana alat-alat analisis teks model Fairclough bekerja dalam membedah teks-teks media yang dianggap meragukan.

Approaches and Experiences of English Teachings in Indonesia

Permintaan akan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris telah meningkat seiring dengan proliferasi bahasa Inggris secara global. Praktik bahasa Inggris tidak hanya terbatas pada tujuan internasional tetapi juga komunikasi lokal. Oleh karena itu, tren telah bergeser dari hanya menyalin gaya penutur asli ke komunikasi yang berhasil dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Dihadapkan dengan kebijakan yang terus berubah dan tuntutan praktis, guru bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing (EFL) di Indonesia harus melakukan pengaturan prioritas yang sangat unik untuk mengembangkan strategi bertahan hidup yang tidak mungkin diperlukan oleh rekan-rekan mereka yang bekerja di luar negeri. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk membahas pengalaman guru EFL dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah-sekolah Indonesia di era reformasi dan untuk menunjukkan analisis pengalaman pemebelajaran berdasarkan konteks situasi untuk menemukan inti peran guru dalam konteks yang berubah.


Abstract   The basic understanding of critical discourse analysis is that discourse is not only  understood as an object of language study. Language in the analysis of critical discourse in addition to the text also in the context of language as a tool that used for specific purposes and practices in the scope of setting, situation, history, power, and ideology. The Context is everything outside of the language itself. The main purpose of critical discourse analysis is to reveal the blur in discourse. To analyze the critical discourse, there were several approaches presented by experts, as follow; First, Norman Fairclough's approach produces a three-dimensional framework in understanding and analyzing discourse, namely the dimensions of discourse as text, discourse as discursive practice, and discourse as social practice by utilizing semiotics. Second, the approach to critical discourse analysis offered by Van Leeuwen centers on describing social actors in discourse and explaining how social actors were represented in a text. Third, Van Dijk's discourse analysis approach assembles sociocognitive ideologies, so that critical discourse analyzers could reveal ideologies hidden behind the text. Fourth, Wodak proposes a historical-discourse approach, which always integrates analysis of the historical context into the interpretation of discourse. While the fifth, Sara Mills’ approach emphasizes how women who were always marginalized were displayed in the text.



Abstract. Applications of Social Media to Learn Speaking. Social media is not a new things for the students right now. Many young generations that uses social media as the media to learn English, especially speaking. Generally, many applications in social media, as Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, Twitter, and so on that can be used by user to interact about all things in everywhere and everytime. Beside that, social media also has special applications to learn speaking, they are (1) Learn to Speak English with Busuu, (2)Hello English, (3) Learn English Daily, (4) Learn English Grammar Quickly, (5) English Listening and Speaking, (6) English Conversation Practice, (7) Memrise, (8) Duolingo, (9) ABA English, (10) Rosetta Stone, (11) Hello English Kids, (12) Voxy, (13) Basic English for Beginers, (14) Learn English. Speak English, and (15) Listen and Speak.


Abstract: Semantic Analysis Research on the Self-Naming of the fourth semester of Physical Education Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University sourced from the names of students in the academic year 2018/2019 in class A (morning). Muhammadiyah University Kotabumi is a Muhammadiyah College (PTM) in North Lampung district which has interesting meanings in the students' self names. Based on the findings of the analysis, there are elements of naming from Javanese language and culture, naming that uses elements of foreign languages ​​(English, Arabic, Scottish), and from the combined elements of the names of parents or descendants in these names. This is the basis for researchers to study, especially those related to the language of elements and meanings contained in the name of the fourth semester Physical Education Study Program students at Muhammadiyah University, Kotbaumi. Understanding of the language of the elements and types of meaning can be known based on language as forming elements of student names and the types of meanings contained therein.

Peer Assisted Learning Strategy.

Peer Assisted Learning Strategy.

Abstrak: Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah sebagai sumber ilmu pengetahuan pendidik dan siswa mengenai Peer Assisted Learning Strategy. Pendidik dapat mengunakan metode ini dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Peer Assisted Learning Strategy adalah salah satu metode pembelajaran sambil bermain dan berkelompok sehingga proses pembejaran dapat menghasilkan hasil yang positif. Peer Assisted Learning Strategy adalah salah satu cara yang bagus yang dapat diaplikasikan kedalam proses pembejaran.

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